pistachio is one of the most important and constant members of Iranian nuts, whose potassium content is equal to orange potassium in this small size, and it is very important due to its nutritional value. Kerman province and Rafsanjani city are the main centers of pistachio production in Iran. pistachio is a constant member of nuts, which, despite its small size, is rich in useful and nutritious sources for human health.

Benefits and properties of pistachio

pistachio is one of the most important and constant members of Iranian nuts, whose potassium content is equal to orange potassium in this small size, and it is very important due to its nutritional value. Kerman province and Rafsanjani city are the main centers of pistachio production in Iran. pistachio is a constant member of nuts, which, despite its small size, is rich in useful and nutritious sources for human health. However, consuming this high quality fruit can have side effects. These side effects can be caused by consuming too much of this fruit. Or it may not be suitable for some diseases, which we will examine in the following.

PISTACHIO (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary


The side effects of pistachios are more serious than its properties

pistachio is one of the most delicious nuts and an integral part of nuts, which has many health benefits. pistachios have been a popular human food since about 7,000 BC. Today, it is used in the form of roasted, raw, fresh, sliced, pistachiobutter, etc. It is also used as a flavoring in chocolates, ice creams, sweets, desserts, pilaf, food, etc. You probably all know the unique properties of pistachios, but you may be interested to know that this delicious pest is harmful to some people. And it comes with a lot of side effects.

  • pistachio temperament

According to traditional medicine, pistachio kernels are warm and dry and are not suitable for hot tempered people. To relieve heat and dryness, these people can consume pistachios with vinegar, sour pomegranate or sour apricot leaves.

  • Weight Gain

Regular and moderate consumption of pistachios is very useful for weight management. Because these peanuts keep us full for longer. And our desire to eat is reduced again, thus controlling obesity. However, keep in mind that pistachios are high in calories. 100 grams of peanuts can provide about 562 calories. That is more than a quarter of our daily calorie needs.

  • Increased blood pressure

pistachios do not naturally contain large amounts of sodium. In fact, the amount of sodium in natural peanuts is about 0 to 2 milligrams of sodium per ounce of pistachios. However, roasted peanuts are rich in sodium. That is about 121 milligrams of sodium per ounce. Because they combine with salt, which is the main source of sodium. This level of sodium is not bad, and in fact our body needs about 1500 mg to 2400 mg of sodium per day. Because sodium plays an important role in maintaining the body’s electrolyte balance. It also helps to transmit nerve impulses to the muscles. Sodium can affect contractions and blood pressure. However, sodium intake is too dangerous. Because it raises blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

High Blood Pressure: Causes, Symptoms, Medication, Diet, and More


  • Create some digestive problems

The dietary fiber in pistachios makes it very good for our stomachs. Because this plant plays an important role in maintaining the proper movement of our intestines and staying away from constipation. As a result, our digestive system is kept healthy. People who are allergic to fructification should avoid peanuts. Because it can cause digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. Depending on the amount of peanuts consumed, these allergic reactions can be mild or severe. May cause allergic reactions to the nutmeg group. People who are allergic to nuts, such as allergies to almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc., should avoid eating pistachios. Because they will probably be sensitive to peanuts as well. Some common symptoms of nail allergy include red spots on the skin, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, itchy mouth, throat, eyes, skin and other areas of the body, difficulty breathing, nasal congestion and Etc. In some cases, allergy to nuts can be fatal and cause anaphylactic shock. This reaction is a life threatening allergic reaction that can cause difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, anesthesia, poor heart rate, and more. Sometimes it can even cause death.

  • Unsuitable for the kidneys

It should be noted that too much potassium is bad for our kidneys. People with kidney disease should avoid high potassium intake in their diet. Because their kidneys are not very effective at removing excess potassium from their bodies. Too much potassium is not only harmful to the kidneys, but can cause nausea, weakness, slow pulse, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, dehydration, type 1 diabetes, Addison’s disease and internal bleeding. Because of the health risks of consuming large amounts of potassium, it is important for us to make sure we eat a small amount of pistachios.

  • May increase the risk of kidney stones

Moderate consumption of peanuts is beneficial not only for people suffering from kidney disease, but also for healthy people who want to save themselves from kidney stones. This is because pistachios contain an average amount of oxalate at about 10 to 25 mg per ounce. Methionine, which is converted to cysteine, an amino acid, can increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones and cysteine kidney stones.

  • May cause aflatoxin allergy

pistachios can sometimes be infected with aflatoxin, which is a carcinogen. It is produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus when growing and storing pistachios in a humid and warm environment. Long term use of aflatoxin contaminated peanuts can increase the risk of cancer in organisms. It has also been shown to be associated with an increased risk of hepatitis B and liver cancer. Aflatoxins containing fungi are not easily visible to the naked eye. But they can be detected by UV light. Roasting pistachios can minimize the risk of aflatoxin. Smelling significantly reduces the amount of aflatoxin in peanuts.


  • Risk of infection by the orange parasite

pistachios can sometimes be infected by the orange parasite. The parasite appears in pistachioseeds or between seeds and shells. This cream is cream colored, orange or red with a length of 25 mm. It is not harmful to our health, but it may damage the skin of the pistachiokernel. pistachios infected with the parasite are more likely to be infected with the fungus Aspergillus, which produces aflatoxin.

  • Risk of infection with Salmonella bacteria

Another bacterium that may infect pistachios and make them harmful to humans is Salmonella. Consumption of peanuts infected with Salmonella bacteria may cause diarrhea. The bacterium is deadly to infants, the elderly and people without proper immunity. It has been shown that roasted peanuts can kill Salmonella bacteria. But it is only done properly when roasting. Otherwise, non-contaminated peanuts may come in contact with contaminated pistachios, be infected.

  • Increased risk of pesticides and insects

In order to protect pistachios from pests and insects, they are often exposed to pesticides and insecticides. These pesticides or insecticides may protect peanuts from pests, but they are harmful to our health. Consumption of pistachios, which are exposed to many pesticides and insecticides, may cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and other allergic reactions. These substances are known to be potentially carcinogenic to humans. This means that they may be at increased risk for certain types of cancer.

  • Increased risk of acrylamide

Smelling pistachios is effective in minimizing the risk of aflatoxins and Salmonella bacteria. But it can also lead to the formation of acrylamides. Acrylamide is a carcinogenic kettle that may increase the risk of cancer in humans. However, there is not enough evidence to support the link between roasted pistachio consumption and cancer.

  • High risk of manganese

pistachios are a good source of manganese, an important nutrient. Manganese plays a major role in the formation of joint tissue, calcium absorption, regulation of blood sugar levels, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, proper function of the thyroid gland, etc. High levels of manganese are harmful to our health because they can lead to headaches, tremors, and loss of appetite, leg cramps, hallucinations and nervous disorders. Due to the health risks associated with high consumption of manganese, it is important for us to use moderate amounts of pistachios. In addition, people suffering from Parkinson’s, hypermenorrhea, polycythemia, and chronic liver disease should avoid eating foods rich in manganese.

The European market potential for pistachios | CBI - Centre for ...


  • High fiber damage to the stomach

Dietary fiber in pistachios is good for our stomachs. It helps keep our digestive system healthy, but too much dietary fiber is bad for our stomachs. This excessive amount can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, malabsorption, intestinal pain and irritable bowel syndrome.

  • It pollutes the blood

It should be noted that these nuts contain a lot of copper, which helps absorb iron from the body. This can increase your chances of fighting diseases such as anemia. Because with the use of this substance, the number of hemoglobin and blood flow increases. As a result, you can say goodbye to anemia forever. However, excessive consumption of pistachios increases the amount of nitrogen in the blood and body and therefore causes blood contamination.

Who should not eat pistachios?

  • Consumption of peanuts is harmful for hot tempered people, because the nature of pistachios is hot and dry.
  • Consumption of peanuts due to its warm nature increases the risk of urticarial and skin rashes.
  • Consumption of pistachios is harmful for people with liver failure.
  • Consumption of peanuts is not suitable for people with allergies.
  • Consumption of pistachios is harmful for those with a weak stomach due to their high fat and difficult digestion.
  • Consumption of peanuts is harmful for people with high triglycerides.
  • People with diabetes, gout and kidney problems should also avoid pistachios.

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Permissible consumption of pistachios during pregnancy

Consumption of pistachios during pregnancy is safe. Consumption of salted and roasted peanuts is not suitable for pregnant women. Pregnant women can eat 10-20 raw pistachios a day. Excessive consumption of pistachios can lead to maternal obesity and may cause problems for pregnant women such as heartburn and diarrhea or bloating. Consumption of peanuts is not recommended for pregnant women who are allergic to nuts, because it has a negative effect on their fetus. Consumption of pistachios during breastfeeding is not a problem.

Raw or roasted pistachios, which is better?

Raw pistachios can be considered one of the best helpers of the heart. In fact, fresh and raw peanuts are considered the enemy of clogged arteries due to their many properties. Raw and fresh pistachios can be a great snack for kids, especially students. Daily consumption of roasted and salted peanuts increases the risk of high blood pressure. Half a cup of salted pistachios yields 263 to 526 milligrams of sodium. That is why it raises blood pressure, so it is best to eat raw peanuts.

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