Kuhi pistachio, also known as Saqez and Baneh, is a pistachio group and has many properties. Kuhi pistachio is used to treat diseases. Fruits, leaves, natural secreted gums and plant galls are the valuable medicinal parts of this plant. To learn more about the properties of Kuhi pistachio in the treatment of diseases, stay tuned.

Feature of Kuhi pistachio and its possible harms

Kuhi pistachio, also known as Saqez and Baneh, is a pistachio group and has many properties. Kuhi pistachio is used to treat diseases. Fruits, leaves, natural secreted gums and plant galls are the valuable medicinal parts of this plant. To learn more about the properties of Kuhi pistachio in the treatment of diseases, stay tuned.

25 خاصیت پسته کوهی (بنه) و مضرات احتمالی آن

Figure1- Kuhi pistachio

Kuhi pistachio or Baneh is a special pistachio that grows in some parts of Iran. The fruit of Kuhi pistachio of the mountain is in the form of a shaft, its core is oily and is consumed in the form of seeds. The difference is that it’s hard shell causes damage to the teeth. The outer shell of this fruit is green at a young age and part of it is red. And it will be harvested semi ripe in May. It should be noted that pistachio trees secrete a natural gum known as sucrose. Turpentine contains many useful substances and compounds and has many healing properties. Kuhi pistachio or Baneh has a dark green color and is spherical in shape. The properties of Kuhi pistachio are almost equal to pistachio nuts. Its brain is similar to pistachio kernels, but smaller. Kuhi pistachio has almost the same properties as nuts. In Kerman province, food is prepared using Kuhi pistachio called Qatoq Baneh. To prepare this dish, first pulverize the pistachio kernel and boil it in a few glasses of water. This food is rich in energy and fat, which is very useful for the body. In this article, we will introduce the most important properties and benefits of Kuhi pistachios.

Characteristics of Kuhi pistachio

The height of the Kuhi pistachio tree reaches up to 7 or 9 meters and in some mountainous areas such as Iranian Kurdistan it is called Qazvan fruit. They are used to flavor buttermilk and animal oil and to make pickles. Cranberry is the source of turpentine juice. Saghez is called Bansht in the Kurdish dialect of Baneh region. The gum is very light green, thick and very sticky. It has many medicinal uses and is used as a strong laxative in the treatment of constipation and in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 25% of turpentine juice contains valuable and industrial turpentine oil, which has many applications in industry. In addition, turpentine juice is used in the preparation of chewing gum, perfumes, fragrances, insecticides, and in the pharmaceutical industry in the preparation of emollients and disinfectants. Other applications in the plastics industry include shoe and leather waxing and the printing industry. Due to the lack of suitable conversion industries, most of the turpentine produced in Iran is exported abroad and is used as a base material for many industries. Although there are no exact statistics on the number of coriander trees in Baneh, their number is estimated at between 10,000 and 20,000.

Figure2- Kuhi pistachio

On average, 500 to 1000 grams of turpentine is obtained from each tree. In good conditions and rainy years, this amount will increase. In Baneh, the coriander tree is often seen as a mass mixed with oak trees in the villages of Kani Sur, Saya humeh, Daraineh, Bashwan, Baneh Jaj, Hamzalan, Visk, Rashki, Khajak, and so on. The fruit of this tree arrives at the same time as the date palm arrives and can be consumed. The immature type of this fruit is eaten raw without the need to break the shell. Baneh is a local dialect in the Sarvestan region of Baneh Shah. The local dialect in the Neyriz region is also called Bana Shak. The fruit of the tree is small, round and spherical and dark green and is known as Berko. Of course, there is another type that is a little smaller and is known as Kehen. The pistachio kernel is similar to pistachio, but much smaller. Due to the hardness of the skin of the seed, in normal conditions, seedlings cannot be produced by planting it. The seeds germinate in the spring after a few years in the environment and wear out the shell or crack in the glacier. The fruit is sour tasting and dark green.

Consumption of Kuhi pistachio tree

Indigenous trees are areas where only a small number of other tree species grow. Today, this species is mostly found in mountainous areas of Iran. The tree is often used as a base for pistacio Vera, which produces pistachio nuts. Resin and fruit oil are edible and are used in traditional medicine to make perfumes and alcohols. The tree is also planted as a beautiful tree for parking on the side of the road near the Black Sea and in the warm regions of North America. In addition, the tree is used for forestry and to prevent soil erosion on steep slopes. In Turkey, it is called Melengic. It is commercially packaged, sold and exported to other countries. In parts of Iran, the kernels of ripe coriander fruit are poured into boiling water after grinding and a food called coriander juice is prepared with it. In Kerman province, this food is called Ghatogh Baneh. Coriander is a very hot legume and because of its oiliness, this seed has a lot of fat and energy. Cranberry Saqez products have a great economic value. Saqez is in the category of gums that have many medicinal, edible and industrial properties.

Properties of coriander or Kuhi pistachio

One of the properties of Kuhi pistachio is to treat anemia. People with anemia can use this fruit in cooking. For example, coriander is used in local foods such as curd instead of walnuts to eliminate anemia. Another property of using Kuhi pistachio is the treatment of headaches. Using coriander fruit to strengthen sexual power is effective. Also, people with osteoporosis should eat coriander. Coriander is effective in relieving back pain, back pain and colic pain, and coriander ointment is excellent in treating swelling and severe wounds. Because coriander is rich in vitamins A and B and D, it strengthens the nerves. Cures cracked lips and prevents retinal detachment. It is also effective in preventing osteoporosis. Coriander can be used to treat all types of stomach worms. Kuhi pistachio is effective for treating frequent urination and drip.


Figure3- Kuhi pistachio

Properties of Kuhi pistachio for skin and hair

One of the most important properties of Kuhi pistachio is wound healing on the skin. This fruit reduces inflammation and is effective in treating wounds. It is interesting to know that by consuming Kuhi pistachio poultice, insect bites can be prevented. This ointment can also be used to increase nail resistance. By mixing Kuhi pistachios with olive oil, itching and cracking of the skin can be treated. You can use Kuhi pistachio to provide a great mask for the skin. For this purpose, you have to grind Kuhi pistachios and turn them into dough with some water and put them on the skin. To remove the lunar eclipse, place the coriander on top of the eclipse and repeat until the eclipse is gone. In the past, burnt pistachio ointment was used to grow hair. This poultice is also effective for baldness. You can use coriander oil to smooth the sound.

Weight gain with Kuhi pistachio

Kuhi pistachios are high in calories, however, using them alone does not cause weight gain. But by mixing it with peanuts, almonds and Kuhi pistachios, and pulverizing and mixing it with some sugar and daily consumption, it can cause weight gain.

Strengthen the nerves with Kuhi pistachio

Kuhi pistachio is effective for strengthening the nerves and is also useful in increasing memory power. Elderly people can prevent Alzheimer’s disease by using mountain pistachio halva. To strengthen the nerves, you can mix mountain pistachio and sugar. To do this, grind a few Kuhi pistachios to make a powder. Then add a tablespoon of sugar and consume.

Benefits of Kuhi pistachio or Baneh

  • Kuhi pistachio contains all the minerals the body needs. Including iodine, iron, zinc, manganese and potassium. All the amino acids and very useful oils that clean the arteries are present in Kuhi pistachios.
  • Kuhi pistachio oil can be used instead of ostrich oil in massage and joint pain, which is cheaper.
  • You can pour wild pistachio oil on salads to add minerals to your salad.
  •  For children and teenagers who are growing up, enjoy Kuhi pistachio oil to eat with interest.
  • Cookies can use wild pistachios such as curd, which are both cheaper and healthier. Because curd is cold and loose, but pistachio is hot and nutritious.
  • Pregnant women should use Kuhi pistachio food to strengthen their body.
  • In our world, where almost all foods are heavily sprayed, organic pistachio is quite exceptional.
  • This fruit is useful for patients with paralysis, MS and those suffering from weakness of the body.
  • Wild pistachios increase energy and are therefore useful for cancer prevention.
  • Those looking for sources of protein and energy can use Kuhi pistachios.
  • Kuhi pistachios can be used to strengthen sexual power.
  • For the treatment of simple diarrhea, the bark and leaves of this plant can be used.
  • Coriander is useful for cleansing the liver and relieving headaches.
  • Coriander oil can be used to smooth the sound.
  • Coriander is used to boost memory.
  • Coriander fruit is used to remove small stones.
  • Coriander oil cleanses the breasts and lungs
  • To open the skin color, you can use a pounded coriander as a mask.
  • Coriander is good for blindness at night.
  • It is useful for those who have osteoporosis.
  • Coriander can be used for lip cracks.
  • Coriander can be used to remove all kinds of stomach worms.
  • Pistachio gum has a good effect on muscle relaxation and drowsiness.
  • Pistachios can be used to balance the body and relieve colds.

Pistachio ( Pistacia spp.) Breeding | SpringerLink

Figure4- Kuhi pistachio

Other uses of Kuhi pistachio

Excessive consumption of Kuhi pistachios can cause mouth ulcers and anorexia. It should be noted that today, due to the value of this plant, its protection is a priority and the correct methods are used to use it. Fruits, leaves and juices made from Kuhi pistachios are used in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the various organs of the Kuhi pistachio tree have a wide range of industrial uses, and from its seeds a very good edible oil is obtained.

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