Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is a rich source of useful fatty acids, fiber, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins . Ahmad Aghaei pistachio contains iron and is useful for treating and preventing anemia . Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is considered as a commercial pistachio in Iran . The unique taste of this model of pistachios has become world famous . Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are usually compared to hazelnut pistachios . Because this type of pistachio has a more elongated and larger appearance compared to hazelnut pistachio .

Introduction of this Pistachio

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is considered as a commercial pistachio in Iran . The unique taste of this model of pistachios has become world famous . Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are usually compared to hazelnut pistachios . Because this type of pistachio has a more elongated and larger appearance compared to hazelnut pistachio . For nuts, Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are mostly used The best type of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios can be considered related to Kerman and Yazd, especially Rafsanjan, Iran . Another important feature of this pistachio is its high yield . For this reason, Ahmad Aghaei pistachio farmers consider it a quick-yielding and fruitful pistachio that bears fruit in the shortest possible time . Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are abundantly found and sold in global markets such as India and Greece . The appearance of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is white and without spots, and its red kernel is located in the middle of this bony skin . Pistachio nuts in market size is usually 20 to 30 is . Fat or oily pistachio Ahmad Aghaei is another important feature of this pistachio that has been able to attract the attention of many people . This pistachio brandLong Pistachio Is known . This pistachio has won the title of the most beautiful pistachio in the eyes of the people . Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is different from other pistachios in appearance . For example, the shape of this pistachio is open on one side and it is known as a smiling pistachio


Figure 1 pistachio Ahmad Aghaei

Properties of pistachio Ahmad Aghaie

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is a rich source of useful fatty acids, fiber, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins . Pistachio Ahmadaghai containing iron and for the treatment and prevention of anemia useful it is . The amount of brain protein is about 15 to 16 % and its fat is 58 to 59 % . Cholesterol and blood sugar regulation are the properties of pistachios . Phosphorus in Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is very effective for strengthening the bones, teeth and muscles of the body . Since pistachios contain potassium, they can help regulate heart rate and lower blood pressure . Daily consumption of pistachios will be effective in strengthening and reducing hair loss . Because pistachios are a good source of biotin . Biotin is one of the vitamins in the groupB They are considered to play an essential role in maintaining healthy hair . Given the above, many nutritionists recommend a balanced consumption of pistachios in the program and diet . In the following, we will introduce some other properties of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio .

Strengthen the mind and brain

peace of heart

Cough relief

Strengthen the stomach

Open liver ducts

Relieve dizziness and weakness caused by anemia

Healing wounds in the mouth

Strengthen sexual power

Soothing and calming the nerves

Eliminates bad breath

Gum strength

Treatment of normal and bloody diarrhea

Pain relief

Eliminate vomiting


Figure 2 pistachios Ahmad Agha Yi

Reason for naming  this pistachios

As the name of this figure shows, the process of identifying this type of pistachio by a person named Ahmad Agha Forootan has happened . This person chose this pistachio cultivar for the first time in Ahmadiyya Nogh . For this reason, the name of this pistachio was later named Ahmad Aghaei .

Figure 3 pistachios Ahmad Agha Yi

Pistachio tree Ahmad Aghaei

This pistachio tree is very similar to Koleghoochi tree . The height of this tree is 309 cm and the crown of the tree is 394 cm on average . Ahmad Aghaei tree usually flowers in early April . The time of emergence of kernels in this type of pistachio is from the second week of July and its rich fruit is harvested from the middle of September . It is worth mentioning that Ahmad Aghaei tree contains 12.5 % of simple leaves, 61 % of three leaflets, 7 % of four leaflets and 18 % of five leaflets . The length of each leaf of this tree is approximately 13 to 14 cm and the width of the leaves is 13 cm . The buds of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio tree are spherical . Ahmad Aghaei cluster tree has clusters with a length of 12.21 and an average width of 9 cm . In fact, the clusters of this type of pistachio tree, unlike other clusters, are low in weight and so-called thin . While the weight of clusters L The difference between the wet and dry . In the wet state, the weight of each of these clusters is about 56 grams and in the dry state, they weigh about 47 grams . In each cluster of this tree, 30 pistachios grow, of which some may be hollow or closed mouth . According to research, the percentage of smiling smile of Ahmad Aghaei is estimated at 74 % .

Pistachio suffering of Ahmad Aghaei

This pistachio is in the range of medium to large ounces . Approximately, this pistachio has a range of 22 to 28 ounces, of which range 25 and above is of the coarse type and range of 25 to 22 is of the fine type . It should be noted that the highest frequency of this type of pistachio is 25 to 26 ounces , which is about 2 to 2.5 cm in size . Of course, there are 27 and 28 ranges of this pistachio in the market, but it is sold at a higher price . In general, Ahmad Aghaei pistachio, in addition to its unique taste, has an attractive appearance and is considered in the group of stretched or almond pistachios .

Figure 4 pistachio seedlings Ahmad Agha Yi

Factors affecting the production of pistachio tree Ahmad Aghaei :

Climatic conditions and pollination conditions are among the factors affecting the yield of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios . Other factors such as soil conditions, irrigation and soil salinity will affect the yield of this pistachio tree .

How to sell  this pistachios

After harvest, this type of pistachio is sold dry or wet . Dry type of this pistachio is marketed either raw or salted . Exports of this type of pistachio are booming . Of course, the domestic market is also a good market for buying and selling authentic and high quality nuts .

Classification and pricing of pistachios Ahmad Aghaei

Many factors are influential in classifying and determining the price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios . Pistachios Ahmadaghai with respect to laugh, love, kind of size, the percentage of closed mouth and … divided . The mentioned factors have a great impact on determining the price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios . Of course, it is worth mentioning that in addition to the mentioned points, the type of pistachio processing and its preparation will also be involved in the pricing of pistachios .

Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio Export

This pistachio grows well in our beloved country Iran . Kerman and Rafsanjan orchards are known as the best areas for the growth of this species . Large quantities of Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are harvested annually in Rafsanjan and Kerman . Pure and nutritious pistachios are in great demand in domestic and global markets . For example, many countries in the region, European countries and American countries are fans and buyers of Iranian pistachios, especially Ahmad Aghaei pistachios . A large percentage of pistachios, especially Ahmad Aghaei pistachios, are sold in our country and a higher percentage of them are sold in world markets . Nogh region of Rafsanjan produces one of the best and most high quality pistachios of Ahmad Aghaei . Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are famous in Rafsanjan region and have a high quality grade . Of course, note that Ahmad Aghaei pistachios produced in each region are different from other regions . For example, this difference may be seen in the color of the kernels or the size of the pistachios . Sometimes Ahmad Aghaei pistachios related to different regions also have differences in taste . In general, it can be said that Ahmad Aghaei pistachios are often planted in Iran and the types of these pistachios are known as high quality pistachios .

As mentioned, This pistachios are exported to different parts of the world . For example, France, Russia, China, the Netherlands, Italy, the UAE, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and India are the major buyers of Iranian pistachios . Anyone who has tasted the great taste of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio, will be a fan of it . The extraordinary and unique quality and properties of this type of pistachio have not been ineffective in its wholesale sales . The Japanese usually buy Ahmad Aghaei closed-mouth pistachios at a lower price . Then, smiling at the pistachios, they sell Ahmad Aghaei’s pistachios at a higher price . In fact, the Japanese are making a good profit by doing so .

Important features of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio

As mentioned, This pistachio has many properties and characteristics . Tasty and delicious is one of the most important features of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio . Because compared to other cultivars, it has a better taste and has been able to attract buyers . Another feature of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is its beautiful appearance and shape . The white, bony shell as well as the red brain have a special charm . Reasonable price and high yield of trees of this type of pistachio are important issues in the economic justification of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio . The quality of the graft in this cultivar of pistachio has been able to attract the attention of farmers and make them welcome this type of pistachio .


Figure 5 important points in determining the price of pistachios Ahmad Agha Yi

Price of this pistachi

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is one of the best-selling and most popular pistachios in the Iranian market . In terms of price, it can be said that Ahmad Aghaei pistachio has a lower price than Akbari pistachio and Koleghoochi pistachio . But the price of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is higher than hazelnut pistachio . Ahmad Aghaei pistachio can be found in most nut shops in different cities of Iran and has its own buyers . Some people prefer to buy packaged pistachios and nuts . Because pistachio is one of the nuts that suffers from pests soon . The method and conditions of pistachio storage will have a direct impact on its quality . Perhaps the most important point in buying pistachios is to pay attention to the quality and standardization of its storage conditions . In other words, standard packaging and storage is very important in maintaining the freshness of pistachios . Therefore, it is recommended to store pistachios at a dry and cool temperature close to zero, to prevent changes in taste, color, taste and quality . Finally, it can be said that improper storage and packaging conditions can have a negative impact on the quality and price of pistachios .


Figure 6 Investigation of pistachio use Ahmad Agha Yi

Pistachio use Ahmad Aghaei

Pistachio Ahmad Aghaei is considered as the newest pistachio in the pistachio production and export industry . In general, it can be said that this type of pistachio is early ripening and has a good yield . Because the yield of each tree of this type of pistachio reaches 20 kg . Ahmad Aghaei pistachio has many uses, for example, this type of pistachio is used in the preparation of pistachio slices . Considering that Ahmad Aghaei pistachio has a wonderful taste and is stretched in appearance, so it can be the best option for preparing pistachio slices . Bunch of pistachios are Ahmadaghai that was fine , and the ability to sell on the market do not have . If these nuts are healthy, tasty and high quality, they are used in various industries such as confectionery and ice cream . Another application of Ahmad Aghaei pistachio can be considered as its export . Ahmad Aghaei pistachios have had a significant impact on export prosperity . Iranian pistachios, especially Ahmad Aghaei pistachios, have found a lot of demand in different countries of the world .

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